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  • [Bughouse Square debates]

    [Bughouse Square debates]

    CAN-TV coverage of the Bughouse Square Debates at Washington Square Park in Chicago in July 2001. The event, a free speech forum, traces its history to the early twentieth century when soapbox orators, beatnik poets and radicals gathered at the park to rant and rave. Generally, the video is a static shot of the podium with occasional cutaways to the crowd.

  • Media Reform Conference: Keynote II

    Media Reform Conference: Keynote II

    Part two of keynote event footage from the Media Reform Conference, first aired November 8, 2003 in Madison, WI. Keynote speaker Bill Moyers, introduced by Studs Terkel, speaks, followed by Al Franken. The “Tell Us the Truth” Tour performs three songs during the last 15 minutes. Other speakers include FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein, John Nichols, and Bob McChesney from Free Press.

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