Get Ready To March
Part of the Global Perspectives on War and Peace Collection. Color video. A short video critical of Ronald Reagan’s focus on military parades at the expense of the arts.
Part of the Global Perspectives on War and Peace Collection. Color video. A short video critical of Ronald Reagan’s focus on military parades at the expense of the arts.
Chip Lord interviews Skip Blumberg about his 1978 Plymouth Valiant. In February of 1990 Lord and friends travel to Berlin to view the Berlin Wall during its destruction.
Compilation episode of Image Union featuring the work of more than ten video artists. The videos focus on political satire, experimentation, and critical documentary. The artists include Warren Leming, Nate Herman, Nick Despota, John Mabey, and Bob Synder, Steve Wolfson, Chip Lord, Paul Jessel, and Bill Langdon.
Compilation episode of Image Union featuring “Festival of the Saws” and “Ugly Dog Contest” by Skip Blumberg and Jules Backus, and “Autoparts” by Chip Lord and Phil Garner.
Part of the Global Perspectives on War and Peace Collection. A conversation with Hiro Nagakubo, product inventor for Sony, about American culture and its influence on Japan.