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  • [90’s West: Getting Older]

    90’s West: Getting Older. Now I am Six (Christo’s Umbrellas) (Jay April, 4:08), Interview with Sam Shaffer (Judith Binder, 6:00), Bruhs & Gean, A Love Story (Esti Marpet, 5:18), Meg Carey Colors Her Hair (Tobe Carey, 2:30), Linda Burnham Goes Grey (Esti Galili Marpet, 2:21), he Phantom of North Park Place (Nancy Cain, 7:30)

  • Karabakh


    Videomaker Esti Marpet enters Nagorno Karabakh in hopes of further understanding the conflict between ethnic Christian Armenians and mostly Muslim Azerbaijan which claims the land of Karabakh as its own. Marpet gives an overview of the conflict,  spends time with the Karabakh military fighting for liberation, visits the military clinic, and speaks with refugees.

  • [The 90’s raw: Seville dancers]

    [The 90’s raw: Seville dancers]

    Raw footage for the award-winning TV series The 90’s. Footage of people dancing in traditional outfits in Sevilla [Seville], Spain.

  • [The 90’s raw: “Wild Man” Steve Brill]

    [The 90’s raw: “Wild Man” Steve Brill]

    Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. In Central Park, New York City, “Wild Man” Steve Brill conducts tours pointing out edible plants and teaching about conservation. He lectures about ethics and safety issues in picking wild plants before leading his tour. He also explains his bureaucratic troubles continuing his tours, which continue till this day. In 1981, when he was leading tours in New York’s parks, he was arrested and charged with criminal mischief for picking plants. After that, he made a deal with the city and now he’s an official Park Department employee. His final advice: “Enjoy this planet, it’s yours to partake of, it’s yours to protect.”

  • Image Union, episode 0629: West Bank

    Image Union, episode 0629: West Bank

    An episode of the independent film and video showcase, Image Union, featuring “West Bank: Whose Promised Land?” by Esti Galili Marpet. A documentary about struggle between Israelis and Arabs in the Israeli occupied West Bank, a strip of land that has been a longtime subject of violent dispute. Includes interviews with several Israeli soldiers and settlers, several Palestinians, and several peace activists.

  • [The 90’s: Robert Demella]

    [The 90’s: Robert Demella]

    Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. Cab driver Robert Demella tells us a series of stories, zipping from one topic to another. The camera mostly focuses on Demella but there are some shots of the New York streets.

  • [The 90’s raw: 42nd street]

    [The 90’s raw: 42nd street]

    Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s of 42nd Street in New York City.

  • [The 90’s raw: Prof. William Kornblum on Times Square]

    [The 90’s raw: Prof. William Kornblum on Times Square]

    Raw footage for The 90’s. Interview with urbanologist Prof. William Kornblum of City University about the history, and 1990s revitalization, of New York’s Times Square.

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