[The 90’s raw: bar footage]
Raw tape for the award-winning series The 90’s. This tape contains footage of people in a bar drunkenly playing foosball.
Raw tape for the award-winning series The 90’s. This tape contains footage of people in a bar drunkenly playing foosball.
Raw tape for the award-winning series The 90’s. Pop artist Alexander Kasparov is interviewed about his work, which critiques American culture and its link to capitalism. His work combines Communist phrases with American products like Mickey Mouse and McDonald’s.
Raw tape for the award-winning series The 90’s. This tape features an interview with Joe Distler in his bar, Riverrun, in the Tribeca neighborhood of Manhattan. The tape also some interviews with laid-back patrons.
Raw footage for the award-winning TV series The 90’s. Footage of people dancing in traditional outfits in Sevilla [Seville], Spain.
Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. In Central Park, New York City, “Wild Man” Steve Brill conducts tours pointing out edible plants and teaching about conservation. He lectures about ethics and safety issues in picking wild plants before leading his tour. He also explains his bureaucratic troubles continuing his tours, which continue till this day. In 1981, when he was leading tours in New York’s parks, he was arrested and charged with criminal mischief for picking plants. After that, he made a deal with the city and now he’s an official Park Department employee. His final advice: “Enjoy this planet, it’s yours to partake of, it’s yours to protect.”
An episode of the independent film and video showcase, Image Union, featuring “West Bank: Whose Promised Land?” by Esti Galili Marpet. A documentary about struggle between Israelis and Arabs in the Israeli occupied West Bank, a strip of land that has been a longtime subject of violent dispute. Includes interviews with several Israeli soldiers and settlers, several Palestinians, and several peace activists.