The Last Supper: Saralin at Home
Transferred from 1/2″ open reel.
Footage of people hanging out in the Chelsea Hotel in 1972, including many artists and people involved in the Andy Warhol Factory scene, including Jackie Curtis, Anton Perich, Candy Darling, and Tony Pinck.
Rosebud Reservation SD / Wounded Knee 1972 / Crow Dog Old Medicine Man /
Leonard Crow Dog (Son) and Russell Means / Reel 1 and Reel 2 / also may have a still photo of me
taping it. Transferred from 1/2″ open reel.
On Christmas Eve in the Chelsea Hotel, social and political activist Abbie Hoffman prepares homemade gefilte fish from a family recipe. At the time, Hoffman had gone underground.
Frank Cavestani rants poetically about marriage from different locations in New York City. Then he gets married. Raw footage of the after-ceremony party.
Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. Continued footage from one of actress Sally Kirkland’s “press” parties. “Making It” director Frank Cavestani interviews various actors and show business people about struggling in Hollywood. Those interviewed include casting director Marvin Paige, playwright Tom Eyen, actress Tina Scala, and actor/comedian Charles Fleischer.
Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. This tape features footage with actors Julius Harris, Robert Walden, Sally Kirkland, and Gregory Rozakis at Derrick’s, a restaurant in Los Angeles.