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  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #19]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #19]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. Continued footage from one of actress Sally Kirkland’s “press” parties. “Making It” director Frank Cavestani interviews various actors and show business people about struggling in Hollywood. Those interviewed include casting director Marvin Paige, playwright Tom Eyen, actress Tina Scala, and actor/comedian Charles Fleischer.

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #40]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #40]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. This tape features footage with actors Julius Harris, Robert Walden, Sally Kirkland, and Gregory Rozakis at Derrick’s, a restaurant in Los Angeles.

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #60]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #60]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. Interview with actor Julius Harris (1923-2004) in someone’s home about typecasting and failed actors.

  • Image Union, episode 0002

    Image Union, episode 0002

    Hour long compilation episode of Image Union featuring “Busia and Cioc” by Valjean McLenighan, “Newsquake” by Warren Leming and Nate Herman, scenes from “Think Twice” by Ruiz Bevis Community TV Class, “Going Shopping” by Andrew Aaron, “Beach Ball Boogie” by Annette Barbier, “Phoneme Frolics” by Dana Hogdon, “Silly Geese,” “The White Rock Blues” by Sally and Ray Cioni, scenes from “Making it in Hollywood” by Frank Cavestani, “Listen, Santa” by Lilly Ollinger, and “Teagarden” by Dana Hodgdon.

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #20]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #20]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. Footage from one of actress Sally Kirkland’s “press” parties. Various people from the “Making It” crew interview several actors and show business people about struggling in Hollywood. Those interviewed include writer/director James Bridges, actor Robert Ginty, and actor John Belushi.

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #41]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #41]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. Actors Julius Harris, Robert Walden, Sally Kirkland, and Gregory Rozakis at Derrick’s, a restaurant in Los Angeles. Walden dominates the conversation and talks about the difficulty of acting in projects for Universal studios, the 1976 version of “King Kong” (Harris plays a role in the film), and tells a story about the time that a publicity photo of his was taken off the wall at a L.A. restaurant (possibly endangering his reputation).

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #61]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #61]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business. This tape features footage of kids selling maps to stars’ homes, plus b-roll of Grauman’s (Mann’s) Chinese Theatre.

  • [Making It In Hollywood raw #26]

    [Making It In Hollywood raw #26]

    Raw footage for the 1976 documentary “Making It In Hollywood,” which follows several actors as they attempt to break into the movie business and some who are already established. Interview with Tab Hunter, former matinee idol, in the Chateau Marmont hotel. Hunter talks about the impact of fame and stardom on people’s personalities. Frank Cavestani explains the mission of the project–to de-glamorize Hollywood and to show the reality of a Hollywood wannabe.

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