Electronic Visualization Center
An advertisement (?) for the Electronic Visualization Center.
Compilation episode of Image Union featuring the work of Ellen and Lynda Kahn, Max Almy, Norman Magdon and Tom Erickson, Richard Serra and Carlota Fay Schoolman, Jane Veeder, and Bart Friedman and Nancy Cain.
This episode of Image Union is a remake of Image Union #1. See http://mediaburn.org/video/image-union-episode-1/.
For this episode, Image Union took an adventure trip into unexplored television territory. With home computer, video system and related technology as topics, the program went away from its original structure and produced a thirty-minute-clip that is repeated twice. Processed video is combined with real life acting television. Computer games take turns with shots in a Mexican landscape, studio production with graphic animations. They show the variety of art forms in television.
Hour long compilation episode of Image Union featuring “TV Magic Ballots” by Nate Herman and Warren Leming, “Assassins” with Joe Mantegna and Jack Wallace, “Chicago Blues” by Jim Passin and Nancy Grosse, work from Jane Veeder, excerpts from “Now We Live On Clifton” by Kartemquin Films, stopmotion animation, an interview by “My Sister’s Cutting Room” during a dog’s birthday party, and “The Bums” by Scott Jacobs and Valjean McLenighan 1976.
The second half of the episode features “Electronic Masks” by Barbara Sykes, an excerpt from “Paper Roses” by Maxi Cohen and Joel Gold, and “Television Delivers People” by Richard Serra and Carlota Fay Schoolman.