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  • [Borett Automation raw]

    [Borett Automation raw]

    This video consists of a tour of Borett Automation, a company that produces and manufactures robots, and looks at some of the video and robotic technology of the time period.

  • Jimmy Carter Habitat [for Humanity]

    Jimmy Carter Habitat [for Humanity]

    This documents the June 17, 1990 Jimmy Carter Work Project of Habitat for Humanity held in San Diego. There are many shots of Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter working on constructing the habitats.

  • Christo Umbrellas

    Christo Umbrellas

    This video has footage of Christo’s yellow umbrella installation in Southern California in the early 1990s. There is some explanation of the project by an on-site worker as well as its sister project near Tokyo, Japan.

  • [Inner City Art]

    [Inner City Art]

    This video starts out with the videomaker Judith Binder going to a nail salon. She then visits Inner-City Art, an after-school type program for children going to school in the inner city. Following this she goes to Venice Beach and talks with a few homeless people and then tapes along the Boardwalk.

  • [The 90’s raw: New Orleans #2]

    [The 90’s raw: New Orleans #2]

    Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. This video starts with a tour of the bayou near Thibodaux, Louisiana and then continues with the videomaker, Judith Binder, talking to several of the residents therein.

  • [The 90’s raw: New Orleans #1]

    [The 90’s raw: New Orleans #1]

    This is a video by Judith Binder of New Orleans for the award-winning series, The 90’s. The first 20 minutes or so shows the city and various sites and attractions and the rest of the video shows a set by Marcia Ball, a New Orleans singer.

  • [Short play]

    [Short play]

    This is a short play of unknown title and origin. The video starts once the play has already started although how far in it starts is unknowable.

  • [Sedona] – Feminist Porn: Gynamite, #2

    [Sedona] – Feminist Porn: Gynamite, #2

    A continuation of tape #16300 this tape shows the rest of Feminist Porn: Gynamite, an open microphone show about female empowerment through sexuality. This tape begins with a visit to Sedona, AZ that lasts for quite some time.

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