7 1/2 LBS/Second – Tooth Stories – BiCentennial Quiz
This tape features three short pieces created by Nick Despota in Chicago in the mid seventies.
This tape features three short pieces created by Nick Despota in Chicago in the mid seventies.
An episode of the independent film and video showcase, Image Union, featuring a look at the first summertime Chicago neighborhood fests in Englewood, South Shore, Lincoln Square, Cabrini-Green, Chinatown, and Beverly.
Compilation episode of Image Union featuring the work of more than ten video artists. The videos focus on political satire, experimentation, and critical documentary. The artists include Warren Leming, Nate Herman, Nick Despota, John Mabey, and Bob Synder, Steve Wolfson, Chip Lord, Paul Jessel, and Bill Langdon.
Compilation episode of Image Union featuring footage of Richard J. Daley and Jane Byrne. The episode also features animation from Paul Jessel and Bill Langdon and video from Nick Despota, John Mabey, and Bob Synder, Waren Leming, and Nate Herman.
Compilation Image Union episode featuring “Miss East Side Chicago Beauty Contest” by Tom Palazzolo, “Steven and Joel” by Ken Solarz, and “Insights” by Nick Despota.
Compilation episode of Image Union featuring “The Happy Bus” by Lilly Ollinger, “Christmas Eve at Gordon’s” by Jay Tannenbaum, “Chairs” by Nick Despota, John Mabey, and Bob Snyder, “Christmas Morning in Sister Bay” by Dan Sandin, and “Nicaragua Report” “by Juan Downey. In between videos, there is footage of a Chicago holiday parade. It features footage of Mayor Jane Byrne, various politicians, and numerous floats.
Hour long compilation episode of Image Union featuring “Chairs” by Nick Despota, John Mabey, and Bob Synder, “Helen Lishman for Mayor” by Warren Leming, “Picture Box,” “Waiting,” and “Saturday Morning” by Dan Curry, “Commuting to Tomorrow” by Scott Fivelson, “Cycling Keeps Me Off the Streets” by Mirko Popadic, “Men in the Street, Sardines in the Bus” by Jiffy Vidinc, “To Die a Cowboy” by James Wright, Jr., “Black Spirit Boogie” by Kenneth Shearer, “Other Leading Brand 11-2-76” by Scott Walker, a film by E.E. Seiter, and “Gotta Sing” by Bill Melamed.
Image Union episode featuring “Chairs” by Nick Despota, John Mabey, and Bob Synder, “Helen Lishman for Mayor” by Warren Leming, “Saturday Morning,” “Picture Box,” “Waiting,” and “Howard to Englewood” by Dan Curry, and “Commuting to Tomorrow” by Scott Fivelson.