Image Union, episode 1129: Some Yellowstone Winter Sound
Documentary dealing with the conflict between snowmobile advocates in Yellowstone National Park and those who wish Yellowstone could remain noise-free.
Documentary dealing with the conflict between snowmobile advocates in Yellowstone National Park and those who wish Yellowstone could remain noise-free.
For this episode, Image Union took an adventure trip into unexplored television territory. With home computer, video system and related technology as topics, the program went away from its original structure and produced a thirty-minute-clip that is repeated twice. Processed video is combined with real life acting television. Computer games take turns with shots in a Mexican landscape, studio production with graphic animations. They show the variety of art forms in television.
“The Pop Video Test” was a joint effort between Scott Jacobs and Tom Weinberg of the Chicago Editing Center, and the Video Group of the Bell and Howell Corporation. This cooperative effort between the independent video community and a corporate video distributor was intended to test the viability of the home video market. The videomakers assembled ten hours of video pieces meant as an alternative to available pre-recorded programming (ie Hollywood movies). Fifty VCR owners in the Chicago area agreed to examine and review the tapes. Test viewers then received the programming two hours at a time, in groupings labeled Video Art, Documentary, Entertainment, and Potpourri.