[Chicago Slices raw : Chicago Mercantile Exchange]
Raw footage shot for the TV program Chicago Slices. This tape features Gordon McClendon, a currency trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, at work on the trading floor.
Raw footage shot for the TV program Chicago Slices. This tape features Gordon McClendon, a currency trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, at work on the trading floor.
New York City Labor teach-in at Columbia University. Raw footage for “None of the Above,” a documentary examining non-voters during the 1996 presidential election season.
Raw footage for The 90’s election special. Videomaker Skip Blumberg covers the lead-up to the first presidential debate in St. Louis, Missouri. The tape begins in Kansas City with the Clinton team leaving the city where they had held their debate prep. Then there is footage of the Clinton support party at the St. Louis airport, then the debate hall at Washington University the next day.
Rough cuts of segments for The 90’s election specials. This tape features footage of Clinton strategist James Carville, Clinton advisers helping Governor Bill Clinton prepare for the presidential debate with H. Ross Perot and President George H.W. Bush, and then a rough cut of a segment called “My Home Town,” where videomaker Andrew Jones visits his home town of Richmond, VA and focuses on how the new president will affect its citizens.
Raw footage of Los Angeles examining the up and coming area of Los Feliz on Vermont Avenue. Cameraman Skip Blumberg focusing many of his questions on the recession. Also features an accidental run-in with Flea of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Artist Tovey Halleck shows off his iron sculptures and introduces artist Robert Parker and Chris, members of a squatter community in New York City’s Lower East Side.
This is raw footage for the TV show, The 90s. Recorded by Skip Blumberg, this particular footage shows performances by The Champions, a cheerleading/dance/jump rope group of girls residing in the Marcy Homes in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. The Champions appear again in tape #15837, but are called “The Street.”
Raw footage for “Chicago Slices,” a television series about life in Chicagoland. This video focuses on the Women’s Action Coalition (WAC), an organization focused around women’s issues. Videomaker Skip Blumberg tapes a WAC gathering at Carpenter and Huron in the West Loop where participants with homemade instruments play in a drum circle, and also interviews many of them about their beliefs and their cause.