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  • [The 90’s raw: John Parker]

    [The 90’s raw: John Parker]

    Raw footage for the award-winning TV series “The 90’s.” In New Haven, Connecticut, ex-addict John Parker of the National AIDS Brigade illegally distributes clean needles to intravenous drug users to prevent the spread of AIDS. Parker is in thousands of dollars of debt, paying for the program entirely himself. He feels that his program empowers people to feel like they can make a difference in their own lives, which is the first step towards treatment. On the day when videomaker Skip Blumberg is shooting, Parker is also being interviewed by an ABC news crew. Blumberg’s shooting style contrasts greatly with that of the ABC crew, who prefer to set up artificial situations rather than shoot events as they unfold. After they leave the park where he is distributing the needles, they go to the “shooting gallery” where IV drug addicts inject themselves. We learn that the health department has cut off his support and Parker has competition from gay organizations.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Geoff Hoyle]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Geoff Hoyle]

    This video contains raw footage for the television show “Chicago Slices.” Videomaker Skip Blumberg interviews actor and comedian Geoff Hoyle. Hoyle talks about his part in the “new Vaudevillians” tradition and his interest in studying the human condition and relaying it back to his audience.

  • [The 90’s raw: NYC streets #5]

    [The 90’s raw: NYC streets #5]

    Raw footage shot for the TV series The 90’s. Skip Blumberg goes around the streets of New York taping everyday people and some of their thoughts. A portion of this video shows some of his family life. A larger portion is concerned with the performance of a cheerleading-type routine by a group of girls, which Blumberg has called “The Street”; there are several takes of this spanning about a third of the footage. The recordings take place outside the Marcy Houses in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. On a subsequent tape, the group is called “The Champions.”

  • New Dance

    New Dance

    Compilation tape of various dance pieces produced by Skip Blumberg in 1986.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Fish Tales In Oakbrook]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Fish Tales In Oakbrook]

    HYATT REGENCY in OAKBROOK: Skip Blumberg interviews with TOM CARVALHO, Sous Chef, about his job and love of food. Skip first interviewed him at L. Isaacson and Stein Fish Co., Inc

  • [None of the Above raw #10]

    [None of the Above raw #10]

    Raw interviews in Boston for None of the Above, a documentary special on non-voters and the 1996 Presidential election.

  • [None of the Above raw #50]

    [None of the Above raw #50]

    Raw footage of Gene Tencza for “None of the Above,” a documentary that follows a number of non-voters during the 1996 presidential election and investigates the reasons why they don’t vote. Tape 4 of 4 for Tencza.

  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Clintons at the Hilton]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Clintons at the Hilton]

    Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. Bill and Hillary Clinton visit the Hilton Hotel in Chicago on Super Tuesday. Most of the tape is just press standing around and a blues band playing.

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