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  • [Once a Star raw: Phoenix, Arizona #5]

    [Once a Star raw: Phoenix, Arizona #5]

    This tape features footage of the ’69 Chicago Cubs and New York Mets teams at a cocktail party in honor of the “Dream Game ’86.” Former MLB umpire Tom Gorman shares stories about his time officiating in the Major Leagues. Shot for the television special “Once A Star.”

  • [Once a Star raw: NBA Legends #11 Dallas]

    [Once a Star raw: NBA Legends #11 Dallas]

    Raw footage for the 1986 television special “Once a Star.” Footage from the NBA Legends basketball game during the 1986 All-Star Weekend. Television executive Bob Wussler (1936-2010) is interviewed.

  • [Once a Star raw: Jim Rivera #2]

    [Once a Star raw: Jim Rivera #2]

    00:00 The continuation of a discussion with former Chicago White Sox outfielder Jim Rivera. They are at Jungle Jim’s Saloon. 00:50 They talk about Minnie Minoso. 02:29 Rivera tells an anecdote about John F. Kennedy. He got Kennedy’s and Lyndon Johnson’s autographs on a baseball on opening day when he was a player. He then tells a story about meeting Harry Truman and his wife, Bess. 05:18 Rivera talks about living in Angola, IN. He was from New York City, […]

  • Punchline

    One of the many incarnations of Punchline, a show that never came to fruition. The show features people from all over the country telling jokes on-camera.

  • [Once a Star raw: Phoenix, Arizona #6]

    [Once a Star raw: Phoenix, Arizona #6]

    This tape includes an interview with Hall of Fame Leo Durocher (1905-1991) and sports writer Dick Dozer (1925-1994) in Phoenix, Arizona. Shot for the television series “Once A Star.”

  • [Once a Star raw: NBA Legends #12 Dallas]

    [Once a Star raw: NBA Legends #12 Dallas]

    Raw footage for the 1986 television special “Once a Star” in Dallas during the 1986 NBA All-Star Weekend. This is a continuation of footage interviewing television executive Bob Wussler (1936-2010).

  • [Once a Star raw: Jim Rivera #3]

    [Once a Star raw: Jim Rivera #3]

    Raw footage of an interview with Chicago White Sox player Jim Rivera, who played with the team throughout the 1950s. Rivera talks about his troubled upbringing, his run-ins with the law, his journey into the Major Leagues, and what his current life is like in Angola, IN. Shot for the 1986 TV special “Once A Star.”

  • Punchline


    A pilot for Punchline, a show that never came to fruition. The show features regular and famous people from all over the country telling jokes on-camera and is hosted by Gabe Kaplan.

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