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  • Image Union, episode 0024 and 0025

    Image Union, episode 0024 and 0025

    Two short shows. Image Union #24 (8/18/79) and #25 (8/25/79). From same 3/4″. Plus :35 promo. Works include “Chicago Blues” by Jim Passin and Nancy Grosse and “Four Women Over 80” by Sandra May Greenberg.

  • Image Union, episode 0209: Space And Video

    Image Union, episode 0209: Space And Video

    Image Union episode “Space and Video” featuring “Reflection” by David Hoffman, :The Ballad of Captain Video” by The Video Brothers, “Yo Yo the Clone,” by Lillian and J.P. Somersaulter, and “Dog License” by Paul Jessel and Bill Langdon.

  • Image Union, episode 0429: Video Music (long version)

    Image Union, episode 0429: Video Music (long version)

    Compilation episode of Image Union featuring music videos. Music videos include “PRL 8-53,” “Vasectomy,” and “How It’s Done” by Phil ‘N’ the Blanks, “Video Child” by The Almighty Crabbes, “Tape Your Wife to the Ceiling” by the Suburbs, “Language is a Virus” by Laurie Anderson, and “September” by Floyd Dillman.

  • [Vito Marzullo raw #26]

    [Vito Marzullo raw #26]

    Raw tape #26 for Vito Marzullo documentary. Vito at home #1. Cute pre-interview banter between Tom Weinberg and the Marzullos. Topics of discussion include the family’s background, successful parenting, and problems among young people in Chicago.

  • Radio Faces #1

    Radio Faces #1

    A program following several Chicago radio personalities and examining the business of radio in Chicago. The program contains footage of the personalities at work (both on the air and off the air) and follows some of them during their time outside of work. Other people interviewed include various station managers and executives and Chicago radio critic, Robert Feder. Some personalities featured include: WGN ‘s Bob Collins, WGCI’s Tom Joyner, WBEZ’s Dick Buckley, WXRT’s Terri Hemmert, WLUP’s Steve Dahl, Garry Meier, Kevin Matthews, and Jonathon Brandmeier.

  • Image Union, episode 0608

    Image Union, episode 0608

    Mayoral Commercials by Lynn Sweet. This tape collects many of the political ads from the 1983 race for mayor of Chicago. The ads are shown in approximately consecutive order. First there are the ads for the Democratic primary race between Jane Byrne, Richard M. Daley, and Harold Washington, followed by ads from the general election between Harold Washington and Bernard Epton. Many of the ads are smears, so it is interesting to see them in close succession responding to each other. Includes ad featuring Studs Terkel for Washington.

  • Time Out, episode 115

    Time Out, episode 115

    This tape features a 1984 episode of “Time Out,” a weekly sports program that is hosted by a number of Chicago area journalists and sportscasters. This week’s commentators are John Schulian of the Chicago Sun-Times, Kenny McReynolds, a WBMX Sportscaster and Assistant Coach for DePaul University’s Men’s Basketball team, WIND reporter Fran Spielman, and John Mengelt, broadcaster and NBA veteran.

  • Time Out, episode 136

    Time Out, episode 136

    This tape features a 1984 episode of “Time Out,” a weekly sports program that is hosted by a number of Chicago area journalists and sportscasters. This week’s commentators are award winning sports columnist John Schulian, WBMX Sportscaster and Assistant Coach for DePaul University’s Men’s Basketball team Kenny McReynolds, WIND reporter Fran Spielman, and former NBA star John Mengelt.

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