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  • Image Union, episode 0435

    Image Union, episode 0435

    “Cocaine Express” is a short documentary about the experiences of photographer Henry Herr Gill and writer Rick Soll, journalists for the Chicago Sun Times. They describe the details and enormous scale of the underground drug trade between the United States and nations in South America. The footage is mostly black and white photographic stills with Gill and Soll narrating. They trace their steps through different South and Central American towns, and talk about various characters and situations they encountered along the way.

  • [Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #39]

    [Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #39]

    Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” This tape features footage of Bill Veeck at his Hyde Park home, talking about racial integration.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Marc Smith]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Marc Smith]

    Raw footage for “Chicago Slices,” a series documenting life in and around Chicago, that aired on WPWR-50 in the early 1990s. This video covers the semi-final of a poetry slam at the Green Mill, and consists mostly of short clips of various poets, as well as Marc Smith’s entire poem.

  • Wired In Sneak Peek

    Wired In Sneak Peek

    The tape features a demo for the television show “Wired In.” While the program never actually came to fruition, the footage and demos put together are an interesting look into the the technological trends and innovations of the 1980s.

  • [Chicago Conspiracy Appeal press conference]

    [Chicago Conspiracy Appeal press conference]

    Bay Area Video Coalition remaster of raw 1/2″ portapak footage. The original tape appears to have been recorded over many times, so often a random image will insert itself in for a minute or so. The tape appears to have been in extremely terrible condition, so the images are always flashing or the are obscured by everything looking almost completely white.

  • [Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #42]

    [Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #42]

    Raw footage for the documentary Veeck: A Man For Any Season. This tape continues an interview with Bill Veeck at home. The tape begins in the middle of him discussing what it is like to be disfigured. He describes various public health perceptions about leprosy and cancer. Later, he talks about his “ongoing love affair” with the English language and quotes Rudyard Kipling’s “The Wolf.” The end of the tape is footage of glass mobiles hanging inside and in Veeck’s backyard.

  • [Wrigley Field B-roll]

    [Wrigley Field B-roll]

    Footage inside Wrigley Field shot for the documentary Veeck: A Man For Any Season.

  • It’s a Living: The Unemployment Line

    It’s a Living: The Unemployment Line

    Part of the “It’s a Living” series created by Videopolis based on Studs Terkel’s book Working, which focuses on workers in Chicago. This tape is the record of a single hour at the state unemployment compensation office in Logan Square on the city’s northwest side. People in the line talk about what it’s like to be out of work as they deal with bureaucratic entanglements of their cases. As the program progresses, a family finally receives the check they needed to survive–after eight attempts.

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