[Videofreex Retrospective]
Compilation includes Perry’s Effort, Ricky Jay, The Blue Calzone, Nixon Feedback, Chip on the Floor, Mountain, Nixon Rehearses
Compilation includes Perry’s Effort, Ricky Jay, The Blue Calzone, Nixon Feedback, Chip on the Floor, Mountain, Nixon Rehearses
This tape features footage from a performance and rehearsal of Tuli Kupferberg’s Revolting Theatre. The performance footage was videotaped at McGill University in Montreal on March 5, 1971, while the rehearsal excerpts were taped throughout late 1969 and early 1970. The cast was Kupferberg; his best friend and collaborator, the late Lannes Kenfield (Aka “Lanny”); Tuli’s first son, Joey Sacks; Liz Reisner; Kupferberg’s wife Sylvia Topp; and Sandra Mobray Clarke, aka “Sandy Nisson.”
0:00 Black, static. 0:32 Flying Saucer clip from “Greetings from Lanesville” by the Videofreex. This segment features Tom Weinberg and Skip Blumberg playing flying saucer inspectors. This is a different edit from the version on the full “Greetings From Lanesville” tape. The Lanesville TV Show was broadcast out of the Catskills of New York in the 1970s. 7:55 End. Static. 8:22 “In Black and White. Report. State of the Movement.” by Nancy Cain. Cain takes us to the Little Miss […]