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  • Rosana Leicht Speaks

    Rosana Leicht Speaks

    Rosina Leicht recounts the events she and her family experienced being forced from their home in the midst of the political chaos and violence of WWII. She describes their flight by horse-drawn wagon from their small village of Lowas, Yugoslavia to avoid advancing Russian forces. Sheltering in Austria, first on a farm and then in a displaced persons camp, they immigrated to the US. in 1956. There, with determination and hard work, she and her husband created a secure life for themselves and their three children.

  • [Costume Contest]

    [Costume Contest]

    Documentation of a costume contest.

  • New American Cinema #5 and #6

    New American Cinema #5 and #6

  • Uptown special projects scrapbook

    Uptown special projects scrapbook

    This is a series of short video segments shot primarily in the Uptown neighborhood of Chicago in 1974. They mostly concern problems faced by the residents of Uptown, including issues with the FLAT grant, the practice of redlining, and the lack of projects and programs which would make the community safer for the public.

  • Scrapbook: Bank Issue

    Scrapbook: Bank Issue

    This video shows the efforts of the Organization of the Northeast (O.N.E.) to push local financial institutions into investing more of their money in the Uptown and Edgewater neighborhoods of Chicago. It contains a series of segments from 1974, including a session with Gov. Dan Walker, a meeting with the Uptown National Bank, and three newsreels which show the backlash against some local banks, as well as the O.N.E.’s success in negotiating a pact with four of the banks in these neighborhoods.

  • Enjoy Yourself (It’s Later Than You Think)

    Enjoy Yourself (It’s Later Than You Think)

    Filmmakers Tom Palazzolo, Jeff Kreines, and Bernie Caputo attend the annual Chicago Senior Citizens Picnic hosted by the Democratic Party. Shot in the style of direct cinema, they spend the afternoon in a Chicago park following the seniors as they have a musical revue, hula dance, listen to speeches, play organized games and generally seem to have an all around fabulous time.

  • The Monumental Art of Marc Chagall

    The Monumental Art of Marc Chagall

    French artist Marc Chagall creates The Four Seasons Mosaic for the city of Chicago. Director Chuck Olin uses the style of direct cinema along with interviews, to show Chagall’s artistic process, and the evolution of his piece from model to its final unveiling in Chicago.

  • Lord Of The Universe

    Lord Of The Universe

    This video is for personal/educational use only. More info at TVTVNow: //www.tvtvnow.com/

    Produced by video pioneers TVTV, this video won the prestigious Columbia-duPont award for documentaries. It explores the mystery of Guru Maharaj Ji, the sixteen-year-old leader of a cult-like new age group, the Divine Light Mission (DLM), known to his followers as “The Lord of the Universe.” The video investigates the Guru’s opulent living conditions and the secrecy surrounding his teachings, as well as portraying the dissolution of the 1960s counterculture towards the close of the Vietnam War. It chronicles a gathering of his followers at Houston’s Astrodome in 1974 as they wait for its promised levitation, and features interviews with devotee Rennie Davis and skeptic Abbie Hoffman.

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