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  • [Vito Marzullo raw #7]

    [Vito Marzullo raw #7]

    Raw tape #7 for Vito Marzullo documentary. Ward Office. Color bars onscreen until 11:09. A casual chat between Director Tom Weinberg and Marzullo turns into a lengthy interview covering the inner workings of the Chicago “machine.” Though scattered at times, Marzulllo’s responses reveal his opinions of his ward, of fellow politicians, and of corruption in local government.

  • [Vito Marzullo raw #8]

    [Vito Marzullo raw #8]

    Raw tape #8 for Vito Marzullo documentary. Ward office. Marzullo talks with Tom Weinberg about a variety of subjects relating to Chicago politics. He demonstrates some of the most characteristically Chicago political opinions – why patronage is good, why one must be loyal to his party and put the city above himself, etc. Other members of Marzullo’s organization, including County Commissioner Matt Ropa and one of Marzullo’s precinct captains, also offer their opinions.

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