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  • [Blizzard of ’79]

    [Blizzard of ’79]

    Tape begins with 45 seconds of black/bars and tone. There are lengthy timecode breaks and black sections throughout. For the first three minutes and thirty seconds of the tape, we have assorted news clips and home video footage of the 1979 Chicago blizzard, including shots of baby Jesse Weinberg in the snow and a segment with weatherman Jerry Taft reporting on the records set both for snowfall and low temperature.

    After this point, the tape is mainly a show taped off TV with Tom occasionally recording audio for an Image Union opening. From seventeen to eighteen minutes we get more news footage of the blizzard, then the tape returns to the TV show.

  • Image Union, episode 0006

    Image Union, episode 0006

    For this episode, Image Union took an adventure trip into unexplored television territory. With home computer, video system and related technology as topics, the program went away from its original structure and produced a thirty-minute-clip that is repeated twice. Processed video is combined with real life acting television. Computer games take turns with shots in a Mexican landscape, studio production with graphic animations. They show the variety of art forms in television.

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