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  • [Rostenkowski raw #204]

    [Rostenkowski raw #204]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. At a rally for Rostenkowski in the field house in Chicago’s Pulaski Park (which sits in Rostenkowski’s district on Chicago’s northwest side). The tape opens with Nick Melas, President of the Chicago Sanitary District, giving a speech. Dan O’Brien, Illinois state legislator and Democratic Committeeman for Chicago’s 43rd Ward, speaks to the crowd after being introduced by Rostenkowski. After O’Brien, an unidentified speaker, who is not on camera (the camera seems to be pointed toward the ground) urges to the audience vote the straight Democratic ticket, reminding them that: “the party is more important than any of us.” The next speaker is Lester Foreman, candidate for Circuit Court Judge. Then Morgan Finley, candidate for Clerk of Cook County Circuit Court, is introduced by Rostenkowski. His walk down the isle is reminiscent of flamboyant boxing champ, complete with wailing sirens, handshaking, and confetti. At the end of the tape, an unidentified speaker, presumably the emcee, urges the precinct captains in attendance to take the rally signs home, and then display the signs on election day.

  • Pop Video Test: Potpourri, parts 1 and 2

    Pop Video Test: Potpourri, parts 1 and 2

    “The Pop Video Test” was a joint effort between Scott Jacobs and Tom Weinberg of the Chicago Editing Center, and the Video Group of the Bell and Howell Corporation. This cooperative effort between the independent video community and a corporate video distributor was intended to test the viability of the home video market. The videomakers assembled ten hours of video pieces meant as an alternative to available pre-recorded programming (ie Hollywood movies). Fifty VCR owners in the Chicago area agreed to examine and review the tapes. Test viewers then received the programming two hours at a time, in groupings labeled Video Art, Documentary, Entertainment, and Potpourri.

  • [Rostenkowski raw #205]

    [Rostenkowski raw #205]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. At a rally for Rostenkowski in the field house in Chicago’s Pulaski Park (which sits in Rostenkowski’s district on Chicago’s northwest side), a candidate for judge is giving a speech offscreen while the camera captures various audience members. Next Rostenkowski gives a speech. In the speech, he discusses various issues, including: the importance of voting; the late Mayor Daley; social programs proposed by the Democrats; the importance of staying in a “changing neighborhood”; commitment to one’s neighborhood; extending the “L” to O’Hare airport (and telling the residents that it will raise the property values); and his family’s decision to stay in Chicago rather than move to Washington D.C. At around eleven minutes, a member of the camera crew on the stage knocks something over, startling Rostenkowski during his speech. The tape abruptly ends at just over fifteen minutes.

  • [Rostenkowski raw #206]

    [Rostenkowski raw #206]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. This tape is a continuation of a rally for Rostenkowski in the field house in Chicago’s Pulaski Park (which sits in Rostenkowski’s district on Chicago’s northwest side). Rostenkowski introduces Richard M. Daley, who is running for Illinois State’s Attorney. In his introduction, Rostenkowski says that Daley was not supported by the Rostenkowski organization, but he won anyway. Rostenkowski now supports Daley. Daley gives a classically unpolished, somewhat sprawling speech in which he promises to crack down on crime and collect overdue property taxes if elected to the office of State’s Attorney.

  • [Rostenkowski raw #207]

    [Rostenkowski raw #207]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. Continuation of a rally for Rostenkowski in the field house in Chicago’s Pulaski Park (which sits in Rostenkowski’s district on Chicago’s northwest side). Rostenkowski concludes the rally by saying that Richard M. Daley, candidate for Illinois State’s Attorney, “is a good man, and will be a good public official.” A polka band plays while Rostenkowski mingles with the crowd following the speech. The camera then follows Rostenkowski to his home across the street from the park.

  • [Rostenkowski raw: Mayor Jane Byrne]

    [Rostenkowski raw: Mayor Jane Byrne]

    Raw footage for the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne is interviewed about Dan Rostenkowski. Byrne comments on Rostenkowski’s importance to Chicago and the country; how Rostenkowski’s leadership role in Congress will help large cities; and how Rostenkowski was able to secure Presidential Inauguration tickets for her and other prominent Chicago politicians. Mayor Byrne also tells an amusing anecdote about the time Rostenkowski accidentally referred to her as “Mayor Daley.”

  • Cubs Scoreboard #1

    Cubs Scoreboard #1

    Raw tape shot inside the Chicago Cubs’ scoreboard.

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