[Reggie Jackson and Bill Veeck #2]
Raw footage of Bill Veeck pretending to interview Reggie Jackson, plus his reaction shots. Presumably Jackson’s responses were to be shot later and the footage cut together.
Raw footage of Bill Veeck pretending to interview Reggie Jackson, plus his reaction shots. Presumably Jackson’s responses were to be shot later and the footage cut together.
A documentary about the seminal beat novelist, Jack Kerouac, that combines narration and current interviews with vintage footage, interviews, still photos, and excepts and dramatic re-enactments from some of Kerouac’s autobiographical novels; including Maggie Cassidy, Dr. Sax, Visions of Cody, Visions of Gerard, Vanity of Duluoz, Desolation Angels, Dharma Bums, Big Sur, On the Road, and The Town and the City.
Raw footage of Bill Veeck commentary (with some clips from Time Out!). Veeck speaks on various issues, including: money in baseball; baseball contracts; officiating in sports (particularly baseball umpires) and the changing strike zones; and drugs in sports. The tape also include footage from several White Sox games and some archival footage of Veeck. A large portion of the second half of the tape is wild sound takes for narration, voice overs, etc.
00:00 “Women in America” by Reagan-Bush ’84. Color video. A video urging women to vote to re-elect President Ronald Reagan in the 1984 election. It highlights all the pro-Women issues that Reagan supports, as well as all of the women Reagan has appointed to various positions. 15:30 End of tape.
Raw tape for documentary about a Chicago plastic surgeon, Dr. Lotter. Walk-through and talk.