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  • [Reggie Jackson and Bill Veeck #2]

    [Reggie Jackson and Bill Veeck #2]

    Raw footage of Bill Veeck pretending to interview Reggie Jackson, plus his reaction shots. Presumably Jackson’s responses were to be shot later and the footage cut together.

  • Kerouac

    A documentary about the seminal beat novelist, Jack Kerouac, that combines narration and current interviews with vintage footage, interviews, still photos, and excepts and dramatic re-enactments from some of Kerouac’s autobiographical novels; including Maggie Cassidy, Dr. Sax, Visions of Cody, Visions of Gerard, Vanity of Duluoz, Desolation Angels, Dharma Bums, Big Sur, On the Road, and The Town and the City.

  • [Veeck commentaries 2, reels 3 & 4]

    Raw footage of Bill Veeck commentary (with some clips from Time Out!). Veeck speaks on various issues, including: money in baseball; baseball contracts; officiating in sports (particularly baseball umpires) and the changing strike zones; and drugs in sports. The tape also include footage from several White Sox games and some archival footage of Veeck. A large portion of the second half of the tape is wild sound takes for narration, voice overs, etc.

  • Image Union: Women In America

    00:00 “Women in America” by Reagan-Bush ’84. Color video. A video urging women to vote to re-elect President Ronald Reagan in the 1984 election. It highlights all the pro-Women issues that Reagan supports, as well as all of the women Reagan has appointed to various positions. 15:30 End of tape.

  • Dr. Lotter #3

    Dr. Lotter #3

    Raw tape.

  • Dr. Lotter #2

    Dr. Lotter #2

    Raw tape.

  • Dr. Lotter #1

    Dr. Lotter #1

    Raw tape for documentary about a Chicago plastic surgeon, Dr. Lotter. Walk-through and talk.

  • [Chicago 1984]

    0:00 Bars and tone, slate.

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