[Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #40]
Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” Bill Veeck talks about politics, including his feelings on Nixon and Vietnam, in his Hyde Park home.
Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” Bill Veeck talks about politics, including his feelings on Nixon and Vietnam, in his Hyde Park home.
Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” This tape features footage of Bill Veeck at his Hyde Park home, talking about racial integration.
Raw footage for the documentary Veeck: A Man For Any Season. This tape continues an interview with Bill Veeck at home. The tape begins in the middle of him discussing what it is like to be disfigured. He describes various public health perceptions about leprosy and cancer. Later, he talks about his “ongoing love affair” with the English language and quotes Rudyard Kipling’s “The Wolf.” The end of the tape is footage of glass mobiles hanging inside and in Veeck’s backyard.
Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” This tape features a conversation with Veeck in his Hyde Park home.
Raw footage for Veeck: A Man for Any Season. This tape features Veeck at home talking about jazz and tells a story about playing rummy in the hospital.
Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man for Any Season.” Interview with Bill Veeck at home after lunch. Subjects range from Veeck’s day-to-day, gardening, and holography.
Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man for Any Season.” This tape continues an interview with Veeck at his Hyde Park home. The subjects are day games, the particulars of Veeck’s family life and his parenting, and where finds happiness (gardening, books, people).
Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” This tape continues the interview with Bill Veeck at his home in Hyde Park. Money and business are discussed.