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  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: New Hampshire with Clinton and Kerrey]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: New Hampshire with Clinton and Kerrey]

    Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. This tape begins with footage of buildings and campaign offices in Manchester and Concord, New Hampshire. It then features footage with Bill Clinton and Bob Kerrey speaking about their support for small business.

  • [Bill Stamets’ New Hampshire Primary 1992]

    0:00 Shot outside airplane window as plane prepares to land.  Exterior of Manchester Airport.  Miscellaneous shots, like of American flag, statue, animal footprints. On bus driving through something that looks like a college campus. 4:24 Life-sized cardboard cutout of George Bush at the Republican headquarters. Shots of other things there, like statues of elephants. New Hampshire primary, February 18 1991. 6:12 Democratic headquarters. Guy talks to old man about upcoming activities. We see the Clinton staff wish list. 8:05 Map […]

  • The 90’s, episode 403: Guns And Violence

    The 90’s, episode 403: Guns And Violence

    Episode 403 of the award winning series, The 90’s. This episode is called “GUNS AND VIOLENCE” and features the following segments:

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