[The 90’s Election Specials raw: DNC Thursday]
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. This tape covers the last day of the 1992 Democratic National Convention at Madison Square Garden, culminating with Bill Clinton’s acceptance speech.
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. This tape covers the last day of the 1992 Democratic National Convention at Madison Square Garden, culminating with Bill Clinton’s acceptance speech.
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. This tape features footage from the 1992 Democratic National Convention at Madison Square Garden, focusing on the official tally of votes that leads to the nomination of Bill Clinton.
Raw footage shot for The 90’s election specials. This tape features footage of people leaving Madison Square Garden at the end of the Democratic National Convention.
Raw footage shot for The 90’s election specials. This tape features footage of the end of the Democratic National Convention at Madison Square Garden, featuring a speech by Al Gore and the nomination of Bill Clinton.
Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. This tape features footage taped off live TV of H. Ross Perot’s announcement that he would drop out of the presidential race.