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  • Karabakh


    Videomaker Esti Marpet enters Nagorno Karabakh in hopes of further understanding the conflict between ethnic Christian Armenians and mostly Muslim Azerbaijan which claims the land of Karabakh as its own. Marpet gives an overview of the conflict,  spends time with the Karabakh military fighting for liberation, visits the military clinic, and speaks with refugees.

  • [Full Circle raw #21]

    Raw footage from the feminist-oriented event organized by Suzanne Lacy. Important women from around the country convene for a dinner and videotaped conversation. Prep work at Hull House part 2, meeting at Hull House Thursday afternoon.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Chicago Slices Premiere Party]


  • [Visualization Lab demo reel]

    This tape is a demo reel for a computer graphics company, CDI Computer Services. It features then cutting edge (1993), now rudimentary looking, computer animation produced for several automobile manufacturers, including Dodge, Cadillac, GM, and Ford. It also features some military animation of mobile rocket launchers firing missiles. The whole video is set to a jazzy, upbeat Kenny G.-type score. The missile being launched over the jazzy score unintentionally creates a creepy, albeit humorous, juxtaposition.

  • [Full Circle raw #22]

    Raw footage from the feminist-oriented event organized by Suzanne Lacy. Important women from around the country convene for a dinner and videotaped conversation. Hull House Meeting Thursday afternoon, pre-dinner.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Look-alikes]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Look-alikes]

    LOOK-A-LIKES: Ahdee interviews people on the street asking, “Who do people say you look like?”

  • [Full Circle raw #1]

    Raw footage from the feminist-oriented event organized by Suzanne Lacy. Important women from around the country convene for a dinner and videotaped conversation. Central office with Suzanne, interview with Bob Wislow, interview with Magdalena part 1.

  • [Full Circle raw #23]

    Raw footage from the feminist-oriented event organized by Suzanne Lacy. Important women from around the country convene for a dinner and videotaped conversation. Pre-dinner, dinner, after dinner, Friday morning breakfast.

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