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  • [None of the Above raw #17]

    [None of the Above raw #17]

    This is raw footage of Keoki in Hawaii for “None of the Above,” a documentary special focusing on non-voters during the 1996 Presidential primaries. Keoki part 2 of 3.

  • [None of the Above raw #16]

    [None of the Above raw #16]

    This is raw footage of Keoki in Hawaii for “None of the Above,” a documentary special focusing on non-voters during the 1996 Presidential primaries. Keoki part 1 of 3.

  • [None of the Above raw #18]

    [None of the Above raw #18]

    This is raw footage of Keoki in Hawaii for “None of the Above,” a documentary special focusing on non-voters during the 1996 Presidential primaries. Keoki part 3 of 3.

  • [None of the Above raw #19]

    [None of the Above raw #19]

    Raw footage for “None of the Above,” a documentary on non-voters during the 1996 presidential election. This tape features footage from the 1996 Republican National Convention in San Diego, CA.

  • Channel Zero: Planet Street

    Channel Zero: Planet Street

    This Canadian program is self-described as a video magazine that brings the MTV aesthetic–quick cuts, stylized imagery, skewed camera angles, music–to intellectual and educational programming. The show focuses on liberal and human rights issues such as media control, poor conditions for blacks in South Africa, etc.

  • [Studs Terkel on sports, part 1]

    [Studs Terkel on sports, part 1]

    This is the first half of an interview with Studs Terkel on the golden age of baseball. Various subjects in the footage include: the Black Sox Scandal, Bill Veeck, and Babe Ruth.

  • [Studs Terkel on sports, part 2]

    [Studs Terkel on sports, part 2]

    This is the second half of a 1996 interview Studs Terkel on the golden age of baseball and prominent sports figures of the 1930s.

  • Breaking Conventions

    A documentary focusing on the demonstrations surrounding the 1996 Republican National Convention in San Diego, CA. Several segments covering demonstrations, both in support of and opposition to the Republican platform are covered with camcorders. Segments are separated by an intro from Pat Payne. Some demonstrations include: A Christian Coalition rally, a Union De Barrio (Hispanic rights group) rally, a biker rally in support of Bob Dole (1996 Republican Presidential Nominee), a Republicans for the Environment rally, a Republican for Choice march, and an anti-Pat Buchanan rally.

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