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  • [East Troy Polar Bear Club]

    Raw footage of an event where brave souls jump into a freezing lake to celebrate the new year. The footage appears to be shot by participants.

  • [Full Circle longer edit]

    A longer version of the Full Circle promo. Feminists from around the world convene for a dinner at Jane Adams’ Hull House in Chicago to discuss women’s issues.

  • Did We Go?

    Producer/director’s Aron Ranen’s tongue-in-cheek attempt to discover if the 1969 moon landing was faked, The documentary veers off into various often unrelated asides, including the sordid Nazi backgrounds of the German scientists that worked for NASA’s moon landing program, and Neil Armstrong’s childhood. Ranen interviews a moon landing skeptic, and several NASA scientists and technicians in an attempt to convince himself that the moon landing was genuine.

  • [Tom Finerty demo reel]

    Series of commercials.

  • ABC News Nightline Soapbox with Studs Terkel and Anna Deveare Smith

    ABC News Nightline Soapbox with Studs Terkel and Anna Deveare Smith

    ABC News Nightline Soabox with Studs Terkel and Anna Deveare Smith.

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