[Gore and Bradley in Iowa]
Brief news clip covering Al Gore and Bill Bradley’s campaigns in Iowa before the 2000 Iowa Caucus.
Brief news clip covering Al Gore and Bill Bradley’s campaigns in Iowa before the 2000 Iowa Caucus.
These two news clips cover the results of Super Tuesday leading up to the Democratic nomination for the 1988 presidential election, including an interview with Michael Dukakis following his strong showing in the elections.
Raw footage shot for The 90’s election specials. This tape features footage of the end of the Democratic National Convention at Madison Square Garden, featuring a speech by Al Gore and the nomination of Bill Clinton.
News footage of election night in Little Rock, AK. Governor Bill Clinton and Senator Al Gore give their acceptance speeches. News analysts make predictions and observations on the place of the election within the larger political landscape.
Eddie Tape #106. Democratic camp. Becker at the 1992 Democratic National Convention, various interviews. Footage within a Clinton/Gore campaign strategy meeting.
Eddie Tape #107. Democratic National Convention, 1992, New York City. Becker at the 1992 Democratic National Convention, various interviews.
Eddie Tape #110. Democratic convention. Becker at the 1992 Democratic National Convention, various interviews.
Eddie Tape #111. Democratic convention. Becker at the 1992 Democratic National Convention, various interviews.