Cars And Owners
Chip Lord interviews Skip Blumberg about his 1978 Plymouth Valiant. In February of 1990 Lord and friends travel to Berlin to view the Berlin Wall during its destruction.
Chip Lord interviews Skip Blumberg about his 1978 Plymouth Valiant. In February of 1990 Lord and friends travel to Berlin to view the Berlin Wall during its destruction.
0:00 Opening of the 1972 Ant Farm Time Capsule at The Art Guys Museum in Houston, Texas in 2000. Sound is very poorly recorded and is hard to understand. This is raw footage of the event and is not a completed piece. After general footage of people milling around the gallery, there is a speech by the museum archivist about the events of 1972. Curtis Schreier, nearly naked in a bizarre costume, gets onstage and does a semi-inaudible performance. 14:00 […]
Episode 212 of the award-winning series The 90’s. This episode is called “AN IMPRESSIONISTIC VIEW OF LIFE IN JAPAN” and features the following segments:
Eddie Tape #96. Farm and rural. Interviews with representatives from Political Research Associates, Rural America Community Transportation Association, Congress’s Office of Technology Assessment, American Farmland Trust, and the National Farmers Union.
Raw footage shot for the award-winning series The 90’s. This tape features footage of Rev. Jesse Jackson on the streets of Washington, D.C. during the May 1991 Washington D.C. riot, also called the Mount Pleasant riot. It is followed by an interview with lawyer Alexa Freeman of the ACLU National Prison Project about incarcerated women.
Compilation episode of Image Union featuring “Defense for Atomic Attack” by Allen Ross of Chicago Filmmakers, clips from “Media Burn” by Ant Farm, and “The Pope’s Visit” by Joseph McGarry.
Pilot for the award-winning TV series The 90’s. This episode features the following segments:
A partial episode of the show Nightwatch, a show where Gene Siskel presents samples of independent film and video and discusses them with callers. Tom Weinberg is a guest on the show, presenting Media Burn.