[Howard Zinn raw #78: Zinn speaks at a Boston protest agains the Iraq war]
Anti-War Rally Boston
Howard Zinn speaking at Campos High School.
Francis Fox Piven discusses Howard Zinn, Boston University, and the future of social movements in the United States.
NYU history professor discusses 20th century East Asian history and United States foreign policy in East and Southeast Asia throughout the Cold War. Includes some footage of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Marilyn Young discusses Howard Zinn, the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, and the anti-war movement.
Daniel Ellsberg discusses the Pentagon Papers, the anti-war movement, and Howard Zinn.
Filmmaker Denis Mueller interviews Noam Chomsky in his office at MIT. They discuss Howard Zinn’s impact, the Vietnam War, and anti-war activism.
Howard Zinn conducts a Q&A session with high school students in Manhattan, Kansas. He speaks on wars throughout history, the prospects of socialism, the US military machine, the state of contemporary left politics, and the importance of critically examining history and the present.