[Program #902: Running for President]
[Program #902: Running for President. San Fernando High School Holds Political Convention. Brown, Perot, Clinton also run.
[Program #902: Running for President. San Fernando High School Holds Political Convention. Brown, Perot, Clinton also run.
As Kamala Harris is named Joe Biden’s running mate, Media Burn turns to the past for a story of another Black female trailblazer — Carol Moseley Braun.
Filmmaker Denis Mueller interviews Howard Zinn at Boston Playwrights Theater. They discuss Vietnam and the success of A People’s History of the United States. Zinn speaks at an International Socialist Organization meeting on the importance of history.
Howard Zinn gives a lecture and fields questions at St. Michael’s College in Vermont. He discusses the war in Vietnam, the Civil Rights movement, and what young people and students can do to fight for social justice.
Howard Zinn gives a talk at the University of Georgia. He discusses the idea of neutrality and objectivity in history, the omission of the labor struggle from American history, the Civil Rights movement, and his personal experiences as a worker, soldier, and teacher.
Howard Zinn delivers a lecture at Kansas State University on his involvement with social justice movements, the importance of history, and the American government.