Home » Posts tagged 'business'

  • John Callaway interviews: Armand Hammer

    John Callaway interviews: Armand Hammer

    John Callaway interviews entrepreneur and chairman of Occidental Petroleum Armand Hammer in February of 1981. The interview goes in depth into Hammer’s childhood, his many business ventures, as well as controversial political policies of the time with the Soviet Union.

  • [The 90’s raw: Buzz Neusteter]

    [The 90’s raw: Buzz Neusteter]

    Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. This tape features an interview with Buzz Neusteter, a business consultant who gives advice on the real estate market and speaks about his optimism for the business world. The voice of the interviewer, John Schwartz, is very quiet since he does not have a microphone.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Recycle Man]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Recycle Man]

    Raw footage for “Chicago Slices,” a television series on life in Chicagoland. In this video, we meet Gary Zuckerman, who runs his own recycling business. Zuckerman talks about how he got into this work and reflects on recycling. His assistant and sidekick, Lee Feeder, Zuckerman’s wife Leila, and their two sons Lev and Noam, also make appearances.

  • Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #46

    Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #46

    Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” This tape continues the interview with Bill Veeck at his home in Hyde Park. Money and business are discussed.

  • The Bill Veeck Show with Bud Selig and Cleon Waalford

    The Bill Veeck Show with Bud Selig and Cleon Waalford

    This tape features an episode of “The Bill Veeck Show” that aired in the mid-1960s. Host Bill Veeck speaks with guests Bud Selig and Cleon Waalford about the baseball difficulties in city of Milwaukee, specifically about the relocation of the Braves and the creation of the Brewers franchise.

  • [Blanda clips from “Think Win”]

    [Blanda clips from “Think Win”]

    Clips from a film starring former football player George Blanda called “Think Win.” Blanda relates his principles of success in football to success in business through clips of his days as a quarterback and placekicker in the NFL. He explains that his experience in business early in his career is what gave him the drive and work ethic to become one of the top players in the league.

  • Bill Veeck’s Front Office

    Bill Veeck’s Front Office

    Film pilot / audition tape for a show on baseball.

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