C2M Angiogenesis
A detailed news clip concerning a new cancer treatment that targets angiogenesis, and Kelley Mitchell’s battle with cancer using this experimental treatment.
A detailed news clip concerning a new cancer treatment that targets angiogenesis, and Kelley Mitchell’s battle with cancer using this experimental treatment.
News segment detailing the life of Kelley Mitchell, and the experimental treatment she tried in order to combat her cancer.
This series of five news stories from 1992 includes coverage of the Clinton/Gore campaign, welfare cuts in Michigan, and the Chicago flood, as well as a segment from the “Fighting Cancer” series which aired on the MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour.
This is a series of four segments, representative of the “Fighting Cancer” series from The MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour. The segments are titled “Two Faces of Cancer”, “Cancer Research”, “Surviving Cancer”, and “Fighting Pain”.
A “video scrapbook” featuring camcorder footage from people around the world.