Home » Posts tagged 'Chicago Collection' (Page 10)

  • Image Union, episode 0923

    Image Union, episode 0923

    Compilation episode of Image Union featuring the work of more than ten video artists. The videos focus on political satire, experimentation, and critical documentary. The artists include Warren Leming, Nate Herman, Nick Despota, John Mabey, and Bob Synder, Steve Wolfson, Chip Lord, Paul Jessel, and Bill Langdon.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Northbrook roofer]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Northbrook roofer]

    Raw footage for “Chicago Slices,” a television series about life in Chicago. This video features Donald Buck, who owns and operates a small roofing business. This video features interviews with him, his son, and workers as they work on rooftops in a condo complex in Northbrook, Illinois.

  • [Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #38]

    [Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #38]

    Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” This tape features a conversation with Veeck in his Hyde Park home.

  • [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Chicago St. Patrick’s Day parade]

    [The 90’s Election Specials raw: Chicago St. Patrick’s Day parade]

    Raw footage for The 90’s election specials. The sights and sounds of the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Chicago: marchers, politicians, the green Chicago River, etc. Highlighted moments below:

  • Sports Century: Bill Veeck

    Sports Century: Bill Veeck

    A recording of the ESPN Classic program, “Sports Century.” This episode is a documentary about Bill Veeck, former owner of several baseball teams, including the Cleveland Indians and the Chicago White Sox. The documentary is mainly comprised of interviews with family, friends, and colleagues of Veeck, along with narration over still photos, period interviews, and newsreel footage.

  • Time Out, episode 123

    Time Out, episode 123

    This tape features a 1984 episode of “Time Out,” a weekly sports program that is hosted by a number of Chicago area journalists and sportscasters. This week’s commentators are John Schulian of the Chicago Sun-Times, Kenny McReynolds, a WBMX Sportscaster and Assistant Coach for DePaul University’s Men’s Basketball team, WIND reporter Fran Spielman, and former NBA star John Mengelt.

  • Bill Veeck’s Saloon

    Bill Veeck’s Saloon

    Sample interviews and monologues shot for “Bill Veeck’s Saloon,” a TV pilot for an opinion show starring baseball legend Bill Veeck.

  • [Manley High School: David in class #1]

    [Manley High School: David in class #1]

    Footage of basketball practice and interview with team manager at Manley High School on Chicago’s West Side.

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