Home » Posts tagged 'Chicago Cultural Center'

  • [Rainbow/PUSH tribute to MLK – Spike Lee press conference at Chicago Cultural Center]

    [Rainbow/PUSH tribute to MLK – Spike Lee press conference at Chicago Cultural Center]

    A Rainbow/PUSH Coalition event remembering Dr. Martin Luther King, Dr. featuring Jesse Jackson, followed by a press conference at the Chicago Cultural Center about a Spike Lee retrospective, featuring Lee and critic Gene Siskel.

  • Remembering Studs

    Remembering Studs

    Studs Terkel died three years ago yesterday, on October 31, 2008. In January 2009, about 200 of Studs’ close friends came to the Chicago Cultural Center to tell their favorite Studs stories and jokes and to remember his life and work. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?amp;v=FOv_mjlL9jw]   Two Studs Terkel classics are now on DVD: It’s a Living (1974), the documentary based on Working, and Studs on a Soapbox (2000), a look at the feisty raconteur over several decades. The trailers are below […]

  • Our Studs

    Our Studs

    Chicago Journalists remember Studs Terkel and their experience knowing the man or winning the Studs Terkel Community Media Award. This video was presented at the 2009 20th Anniversary Studs Terkel Community Media Awards at the Chicago Cultural Center on March 11th, 2009. Presented by the Community Media Workshop. Special thanks for allowing us to repost this on Media Burn.

  • A Celebration of the Life of Studs Terkel

    A Celebration of the Life of Studs Terkel

    This tape documents the Celebration of the Life of Studs Terkel held at the Chicago Cultural Center on January 30, 2009. Over four hundred people gathered for this occasion to pay tribute to Terkel’s life and work. Studs’ close friends, admirers, and colleagues share their stories about the man and the life he lived. Terkel’s son, Dan Terkell, also says a few words about his father at the end of the evening.

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