Home » Posts tagged 'Chicago history' (Page 6)

  • The Monumental Work of Marc Chagall

    The Monumental Work of Marc Chagall

    Chuck Olin’s documentary on the making of Marc Chagall’s America Windows created for the Art Institute of Chicago.

  • On The Roof #2

    On The Roof #2

    Media Burn Archive launch party and benefit on the roof of ROW Self Park October 8, 2006.

  • The Monumental Art of Marc Chagall

    The Monumental Art of Marc Chagall

    French artist Marc Chagall creates The Four Seasons Mosaic for the city of Chicago. Director Chuck Olin uses the style of direct cinema along with interviews, to show Chagall’s artistic process, and the evolution of his piece from model to its final unveiling in Chicago.

  • Nam June Paik: #1 Video Artist

    Nam June Paik: #1 Video Artist

    Tribute to video artist Nam June Paik. Skip Blumberg speaks with Paik’s friends, peers, and collaborators as they discuss the artist’s life, work, and influence. Interviews are often shown alongside excerpts from Paik’s own videos. Features: Bill Rabinovich, Paul Gamin, Yoko Ono, Kit Fitzgerald, John Hanhardt, Olga Mazurkiewicz, Doctor Videovich, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Beryl Korot, Bill Viola, Carlotta Schoolman, Merce Cunningham, Carolee Schneeman, Russel Connor, Dimitri Devyatkin, Wulf Herzogenrath, Bob Harris, Barbara London, Gary O’Grady, Nina Sobell, Liz Phillips, Raphaele Shirley, and C.T Lui.

  • On The Roof #1

    On The Roof #1

    Media Burn Archive launch party and benefit on the roof of ROW Self Park October 8, 2006.

  • [Rostenkowski raw #109]

    [Rostenkowski raw #109]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. First ten minutes or so is b-roll. Then there is a flurry of activity because Rostenkowski is about to announce his acceptance of the position of Chairman of Ways and Means. The crew rushes to get to the meeting, but nothing of the meeting is on camera. Poor audio throughout.

  • [Rostenkowski raw #307]

    [Rostenkowski raw #307]

    Raw footage from the 1981 documentary “Rostenkowski,” a portrait of House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, a powerful figure in Chicago (and national) politics. Election day, 1980. B-roll footage. Includes interior and exterior shots of the field house in Chicago’s Pulaski Park; campaign signs around Rostenkowski’s district; exterior shots of St. Stanislaus Kostka Church; and exterior shots of the homes in Rostenkowski’s neighborhood.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Wanda And Lilli #3]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Wanda And Lilli #3]

    Wanda McLenighan & Lilian Bender: two eighty-something women who share their opinions on various topics, including their lifelong friendship. Valjean McLenighan interviews Wanda and Lili in her backyard and in Lincoln Park. They get Perogi’s, tour the old neighborhood, have tea and discuss their lives and experiences.

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(312) 964-5020 | info@mediaburn.org