Home » Posts tagged 'Chicago Housing Authority'

  • Newshour: Chicago Public Housing Falls

    Newshour: Chicago Public Housing Falls

    Report on the demolition of public housing high rises around the city of Chicago, the effects of the project on public housing residents, and the city’s plans for mixed-income housing.

  • Peace in the Hood?

    Peace in the Hood?

    The WTTW Journal looks into the gang truce in Cabrini–Green that was negotiated after the death of Dantrell Davis. Elizabeth Brackett speaks to law enforcement and people in the community about the ongoing peace and the former violence.

  • [Gang Truce at Cabrini Green]

    [Gang Truce at Cabrini Green]

    A gang truce was negotiated in Cabrini Green following the death of Dantrell Davis. Government officials, law enforcement, and community leaders disagree on whether the gang truce or increased security measures are responsible for the ongoing peace in the project.

  • [Response to Dantrell Davis death at Cabrini-Green]

    [Response to Dantrell Davis death at Cabrini-Green]

    This news segment reports on the violence in the Cabrini-Green housing projects. After the death of seven-year-old Dantrell Davis, Chicago authorities have implemented controversial security measures in the project.

  • [Paper Roses raw: bingo]

    [Paper Roses raw: bingo]

    In 1975, the Chicago video collective Videopolis produced a documentary called “It’s a Living.” The tape was loosely based on Studs Terkel’s book, “Working,” which was a collection of interviews with ordinary people talking about their jobs. This hour-long program was shown on Channel 11 (WTTW) in Chicago. After the success of this tape, the videomakers were commissioned to make six half-hour shows that had the same type of mission. “Paper Roses” featured residents of the Chicago Housing Authority’s Clark-Irving Apartments, which provided low-rent housing for senior citizens. This tape features footage of bingo at the apartments.

  • [Paper Roses raw: b-roll #2]

    [Paper Roses raw: b-roll #2]

    In 1975, the Chicago video collective Videopolis produced a documentary called “It’s a Living.” The tape was loosely based on Studs Terkel’s book, “Working,” which was a collection of interviews with ordinary people talking about their jobs. This hour-long program was shown on Channel 11 (WTTW) in Chicago. After the success of this tape, the videomakers were commissioned to make six half-hour shows that had the same type of mission. “Paper Roses” featured residents of the Chicago Housing Authority’s Clark-Irving Apartments, which provided low-rent housing for senior citizens. This tape contains b-roll of the interior and exterior of the complex.

  • [Paper Roses raw: crocheting, dining hall]

    [Paper Roses raw: crocheting, dining hall]

    In 1975, the Chicago video collective Videopolis produced a documentary called “It’s a Living.” The tape was loosely based on Studs Terkel’s book, “Working,” which was a collection of interviews with ordinary people talking about their jobs. This hour-long program was shown on Channel 11 (WTTW) in Chicago. After the success of this tape, the videomakers were commissioned to make six half-hour shows that had the same type of mission. “Paper Roses” featured residents of the Chicago Housing Authority’s Clark-Irving Apartments, which provided low-rent housing for senior citizens. This tape contains footage of a crocheting group and mealtime at the dining hall.

  • [Paper Roses raw: Gus and Gertrude Radon, sing-along, Mrs. Calssalio]

    [Paper Roses raw: Gus and Gertrude Radon, sing-along, Mrs. Calssalio]

    In 1975, the Chicago video collective Videopolis produced a documentary called “It’s a Living.” The tape was loosely based on Studs Terkel’s book, “Working,” which was a collection of interviews with ordinary people talking about their jobs. This hour-long program was shown on Channel 11 (WTTW) in Chicago. After the success of this tape, the videomakers were commissioned to make six half-hour shows that had the same type of mission. “Paper Roses” featured residents of the Chicago Housing Authority’s Clark-Irving Apartments, which provided low-rent housing for senior citizens. This tape features the continuation of an interview with Gus and Gertrude Radon, footage of a group sing-along led by Margaret Falkenberg, and an interview about the difficulty of retirement with Mrs. Cassalio.

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