First Ward Mob Investigations Composite
Composite of several news reports by Carol Marin investigating mob ties to Chicago’s first ward politicians.
Composite of several news reports by Carol Marin investigating mob ties to Chicago’s first ward politicians.
An experimental film combining footage shot by Brian Ashby with a story by Terri Kapsalis. Filmed at City Hall Chicago, 2013-2015. Additional footage: public meetings of the Chicago Board of Education.
A compilation of 1982-3 news stories about Harold Washington and the race for Chicago mayor.
Footage leading up to, and after, the 1995 Chicago mayoral election. Opens with a brief press conference with challenger Roland Burris, then follows Mayor Richard M. Daley through his election celebration and various press engagements.
Third and final tape of Stamets’ footage from the 1995 mayoral election. Includes press conference at challenger Roland Burris’s campaign headquarters, Mayor Richard M. Daley casting his vote, and Daley’s victory speech and inauguration.
Assorted footage of the 1995 Chicago mayoral campaign, including a candidate’s panel at the Chicago Urban League, a Marge Laurino campaign event, a press conference in Pilsen, and Mayor Richard M. Daley’s eulogy at Bishop Ford’s funeral.
An interview with Richard J. Daley’s deputy mayor and corporation counsel, Ray Simon, who served the mayor’s office for sixteen years.
Reports on Ed Vrdolyak’s last minute write-in campaign in the Republican primary for mayor of Chicago: 2/28, 3/1, 3/2, and 3/3/1989.