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  • Image Union, episode 0618

    Image Union, episode 0618

    “Uptown Christian Soldiers” is a short, well-balanced documentary about Jesus People USA in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood. JPUSA offers emergency housing, long-term housing for disadvantaged persons, and a daily meal program. JPUSA also operates several small businesses in the neighborhood. Program features interviews from administrators, community members, former members, and the families of members. There is also footage from within the dining halls of the ministry and the dormitories bought by the church.

  • Reverend Billy’s Peace Revival

    Reverend Billy’s Peace Revival

    Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping stage a lengthy peace revival filled with song, dance, and sermons raging against American consumerism.

  • The AIDS Connection: Hour V

    The AIDS Connection: Hour V

    This tape is a broadcast from hour 5 of an historic live, all night, talk show that addressed various issues surrounding the AIDS crisis. It was a breakthrough for live TV via satellite as it had never been attempted to connect five locations via satellite, with live feeds to and from the CONUS/Hubbard Broadcasting studio in Minneapolis. No nationally televised long-form program about the AIDS epidemic had been on the air when this was produced. It was seen on more than 120 stations around the country and brought together top experts in the field in the early days of public awareness of AIDS.

    Each hour featured a panel of guests taking questions from the hosts, the studio audience members, and the audience members and panelists participating via satellite. This hour is split into two half-hour segments. The first segment focuses on the global AIDS crisis and AIDS outside of the U.S. The second segment focuses on AIDS and religion (mainly AIDS and Christianity). Each segment features a call-in survey related to the segment topic. Several public service announcements, usually featuring celebrities, were shown in each half hour.

  • Image Union, episode 223: Bronx Baptism

    Image Union, episode 223: Bronx Baptism

    Image Union episode featuring “Bronx Baptism” by Dee Dee Halleck. Color film. Shot at a Puerto Rican Pentecostal Church in the Bronx during a mass baptism. Opens with title cards explaining the way the Pentecostal faith provides an inroads for Puerto Rican immigrants to find community in New York City. This video has Spanish audio with English subtitles.

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