Home » Posts tagged 'cocaine'

  • Message to the Grass Roots: Mommy, Where Does Cocaine Come From?

    Message to the Grass Roots: Mommy, Where Does Cocaine Come From?

    An episode of Message to the Grass Roots, a cable access talk show produced & hosted by Michael Zinzun from 1988-1998 at Pasadena Community Access Corporation, which is now Pasadena Media (http://www.pasadenamedia.org). This program is focused on possible ways to begin to heal and clean up communities harmed by the influx of crack cocaine.

  • Image Union, episode 0435

    Image Union, episode 0435

    “Cocaine Express” is a short documentary about the experiences of photographer Henry Herr Gill and writer Rick Soll, journalists for the Chicago Sun Times. They describe the details and enormous scale of the underground drug trade between the United States and nations in South America. The footage is mostly black and white photographic stills with Gill and Soll narrating. They trace their steps through different South and Central American towns, and talk about various characters and situations they encountered along the way.

  • Image Union: Emmy entry 1983

    Image Union: Emmy entry 1983

    Three part Image Union episode featuring three entries for the Emmy Awards, 1983: “Cocaine Express”, “Death in the West”, and “Window to Windy City.”

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