Home » Posts tagged 'Elizabeth Brackett' (Page 5)

  • C2M Angiogenesis

    C2M Angiogenesis

    A detailed news clip concerning a new cancer treatment that targets angiogenesis, and Kelley Mitchell’s battle with cancer using this experimental treatment.

  • [9/11 impact on Sears Tower employees]

    [9/11 impact on Sears Tower employees]

    Brief news clip covering the effects of 9/11 on Chicago.

  • Angiogenesis Inhibitors

    Angiogenesis Inhibitors

    News segment detailing the life of Kelley Mitchell, and the experimental treatment she tried in order to combat her cancer.

  • Newshour: Clean Water

    Newshour: Clean Water

    News segment concerning the Clean Water Act and its effect on plans for a landfill in the Chicago suburbs. Covers the US Army Corps of Engineers opposition to the landfill, and the resulting court cases.

  • Chicago Tomorrow, episode 104

    Chicago Tomorrow, episode 104

    Episode contains segments about a security camera company, a traveling clinic that serves under-insured youth, a physicist looking for the only undiscovered particle in particle physics, and children cultivating an urban garden.

  • [Partial birth abortions]

    [Partial birth abortions]

    Brief news segment covering the banning of partial birth abortions in Nebraska. Explains the effects and shows interviews from both sides of the issue.

  • [Gore and Bradley in Iowa]

    [Gore and Bradley in Iowa]

    Brief news clip covering Al Gore and Bill Bradley’s campaigns in Iowa before the 2000 Iowa Caucus.

  • Chicago Tonight: Gene Siskel remembered

    Chicago Tonight: Gene Siskel remembered

    A brief recap of Gene Siskel’s life and career. A segment details Siskel’s early career, and is followed by a panel of his professional friends who share memories and stories.

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