C2M Angiogenesis
A detailed news clip concerning a new cancer treatment that targets angiogenesis, and Kelley Mitchell’s battle with cancer using this experimental treatment.
A detailed news clip concerning a new cancer treatment that targets angiogenesis, and Kelley Mitchell’s battle with cancer using this experimental treatment.
News segment detailing the life of Kelley Mitchell, and the experimental treatment she tried in order to combat her cancer.
News segment concerning the Clean Water Act and its effect on plans for a landfill in the Chicago suburbs. Covers the US Army Corps of Engineers opposition to the landfill, and the resulting court cases.
Episode contains segments about a security camera company, a traveling clinic that serves under-insured youth, a physicist looking for the only undiscovered particle in particle physics, and children cultivating an urban garden.
Brief news segment covering the banning of partial birth abortions in Nebraska. Explains the effects and shows interviews from both sides of the issue.
Brief news clip covering Al Gore and Bill Bradley’s campaigns in Iowa before the 2000 Iowa Caucus.
A brief recap of Gene Siskel’s life and career. A segment details Siskel’s early career, and is followed by a panel of his professional friends who share memories and stories.