Home » Posts tagged 'Halsted Street TV Show'

  • [Halsted Street TV Show guest booth]

    [Halsted Street TV Show guest booth]

    The Halsted Street TV Show was a video project started by Tom Weinberg and Scott Jacobs. At a storefront on Halsted Street in Chicago, independent videomakers and artists held screenings and discussions of their work. This tape is of a private booth where attendees could voice their opinions on the night’s show (the contents of which are not completely identified).

  • [Halsted Street TV Show: Dragan performance]

    [Halsted Street TV Show: Dragan performance]

    The Halsted Street TV Show was a video project started by Tom Weinberg and Scott Jacobs. At a storefront on Halsted Street in Chicago, independent videomakers and artists held screenings and discussions of their work. Tonight features a live performance by Yugoslavian performance artist The Great Dragan, followed by a question and answer session.

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