[Howard Zinn raw #41: Bits and pieces from interviews and newsreels over the years]
Newsreel and stock footage pertaining to the Vietnam War, the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Newsreel and stock footage pertaining to the Vietnam War, the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
00:00 Camera opens on Dr. Robert Moses speaking about how influential Howard Zinn was in the history of activism. He talks about what Zinn chose to write about for his books. He details a specific time at which Zinn protested segregation in a court room. 4:39 Cut to black. 5:52 Tape ends.
Howard Zinn is interviewed on the radio. In another location, he gives remarks and takes questions at an after-dinner event. Also included are a few minutes of footage from a Q&A session at Kansas State University.
Francis Fox Piven discusses Howard Zinn, Boston University, and the future of social movements in the United States.
Filmmaker Denis Mueller interviews activist David Dellinger. They discuss Howard Zinn, Fred Hampton, and the anti-war movement.
Filmmaker Denis Mueller interviews Howard Zinn at Boston Playwrights Theater. They discuss Vietnam and the success of A People’s History of the United States. Zinn speaks at an International Socialist Organization meeting on the importance of history.
Filmmaker Denis Mueller interviews Howard Zinn. They discuss Howard’s early life and his thoughts on class and human nature.
Oscar Chase discusses Howard Zinn and their activities with SNCC.