A Vision Comes to Life: Chicago’s 57th Street Art Fair, The First Fifty Years 1948-1997
Today, we look back at the early years of The Baffler, a literary journal which was published out of Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood for more than 20 years. Praised for its critiques of mass media and business culture, The Baffler came from a strong “do it yourself” ethic inspired by punk rock music and the advent of personal computers, which helped move cultural production out of the hands of big businesses and into the hands of everyday people. In this 1993 interview, Thomas […]
Description: A serendipitous gem, in the true Joe’s Basement tradition. Joe is trying to write a script on the Fourth of July weekend, 1992. Dan and Bob, his crew, are bothering him, so he sends them away. They get into some trouble at a local bar, trying to pick up a naïve young woman, Karen, who has just struck an off-duty police officer in the face. With Joe’s sober assistance, Bob and Dan convince Karen to come back to the basement after […]
Raw footage for the documentary “Veeck: A Man For Any Season.” Bill Veeck talks about politics, including his feelings on Nixon and Vietnam, in his Hyde Park home.