Home » Posts tagged 'interview' (Page 16)

  • [The 90’s election specials raw: Bush campaign office and Commission on Presidential Debates]

    [The 90’s election specials raw: Bush campaign office and Commission on Presidential Debates]

    Raw tape for The 90’s election specials. Videomaker Eddie Becker interviews Bush supporters and employees of the Bush campaign, and tapes inside and outside of Bush Campaign headquarters.

  • Image Union, episode 0428

    Image Union, episode 0428

    Episode of Image Union featuring the work “Love Tapes” by Wendy Clarke. “Love Tapes” is a collection of videos from an experiment in which people were allowed to sit alone in a cubicle, only with a video camera and monitor, and talk about love for three minutes. Hundreds of people participated in this experiment, and this collection features 8 full length tapes.

  • [Once A Star raw: Bobby and Dennis Hull #7]

    [Once A Star raw: Bobby and Dennis Hull #7]

    This tape is comprised of a short interview segment with hockey legend Bobby Hull, as well as some b-roll of Bobby and brother Dennis Hull skating and shooting around an ice rink. In the interview, Hull gives insight into the fleeting nature of playing on a hockey team, his relationship with his brother Dennis, and his current career in the cattle business. It was shot for the documentary Once A Star.

  • US99 #2

    US99 #2

    Continuation of a previous tape. Tom Weinberg and Skip Blumberg talk to Big John, a DJ for US 99 radio in Chicago, about his job.

  • Club Med Pulls

    Club Med Pulls

    Footage from a Club Med vacation in the Bahamas. Tourists play games and are interviewed about the coming of the computer age.

  • [Chicago Slices raw: Araceli Trujillo]

    [Chicago Slices raw: Araceli Trujillo]

    Raw footage for “Chicago Slices,” a series about everyday life in Chicago. In this video, Karen Hutt interviews Araceli Trujillo, a Mexican-American teenager who lives in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago. Araceli talks about her life, family, school, and knowledge of the suburbs, among other things, as they walk through the Mexican-American community together.

  • [The 90’s raw: Barber Shop]

    [The 90’s raw: Barber Shop]

    Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90’s. This tape features footage of the Broadway Barber Shop in New York City. As patrons get their hair cut, shop owner Mr. Kay engages in lively debates with his customers.

  • Finley #3

    Finley #3

    This tape is comprised partly of b-roll and partly of an interview with venerable Oakland A’s owner Charlie Finley. In the first half, Finley gives a tour of his “press box”, which is situated at the very top of his barn-turned-house in LaPorte, Indiana. The second half is an interview with Finley where he gives a bit of background on his adolescence and discusses his ascendance career-wise from steel mill worker to the owner of a championship baseball team.

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