[Chicago Crossings: Bridges and Boundaries, reel 30; Marva Jolly]
In a 1994 interview with Kartemquin Films, artist Marva Jolly sheds light on the racial issues plaguing America and how she deals with these issues personally through her artwork.
In a 1994 interview with Kartemquin Films, artist Marva Jolly sheds light on the racial issues plaguing America and how she deals with these issues personally through her artwork.
Artist Joel Feldman shows four of his pieces for the show and talks with a Kartemquin Films crew about what he hopes to inspire with his artwork and the importance of humor in battles for social justice.
In an interview with Kartemquin Films for their 1994 documentary, “Chicago Crossings: Bridges and Boundaries,” artist Joel Feldman talks about “Jewishness,” his upbringing in Washington D.C., and presents his opinions regarding the politics of racism.
In a stream-of-consciousness-style interview with Kartemquin Films, artist Edith Altman talks about the role of the “scapegoat” in Black and Jewish history, the role of art in society, bigotry and the possibility for forgiveness, the “Black holocaust,” and her upcoming piece, “How Shall we Teach our Children?”
In the second part of an interview with Kartemquin Films as part of their 1994 documentary, “Chicago Crossings: Bridges and Boundaries,” artist Edith Altman talks a great deal about the Lubavitchers as well as the role of children in her upcoming piece.
In a 1994 interview with Kartemquin Films, artist Edith Altman talks about a piece she is working on for the Spertus Museum of Judaica’s exhibition, “Bridges and Boundaries: Chicago Crossings.” Altman also sheds light on the inspirations for her artwork, her trip to Eastern Europe and Auschwitz, and the difficulty of Holocaust education.
A Kartemquin Films crew led by Jerry Blumenthal take a look around artist Claire Wolf Krantz’s studio, focusing primarily on her most recent piece “Book of Life,” a commentary on Jewish–Black relations.
Artist Claire Wolf Krantz talks with a Kartemquin film crew about the role of identity and religion in her work before giving us a rare glimpse of her artistic process in action.