[Buckminster Fuller interview, 1980]
Buckminster Fuller interviewed by Phil Ranstrom on May 2, 1980. This footage was produced for Southern Illinois University’s Student Programming Council, in conjunction with a lecture Fuller was to give there.
Buckminster Fuller interviewed by Phil Ranstrom on May 2, 1980. This footage was produced for Southern Illinois University’s Student Programming Council, in conjunction with a lecture Fuller was to give there.
The tape features a demo for the television show “Wired In.” While the program never actually came to fruition, the footage and demos put together are an interesting look into the the technological trends and innovations of the 1980s. This video contains a recut of the “Wired In” demo.
This tape features a documentary on the Everson Art Museum in Syracuse, New York. The videomakers speak with numerous attendees about their views and opinions the artwork in the museum, with an eye towards capturing how everyday people, including children, experience abstract art.
A documentary about a group of formerly hospitalized patients on a quest to change inhumane practices at psychiatric institutions. Includes “man on the street” interviews that are revealing about changing attitudes towards mental illness during the 1970s, including the influence of R.D. Laing.
This video contains a half-hour rough cut of the program “It’s A Living: Paper Wagon.” The focus is on a group of newspaper and railroad workers who share their personal thoughts about their jobs, dreams, and hopes for the future. There is also a brief interview with Studs Terkel towards the end of the tape. Terkel’s book “Working” was the inspiration for the “It’s A Living” television series.
This tape features a documentary about the U.S. conservationist movement in the early seventies.
This tape contains footage of videomaker Tom Weinberg conducting on the street interviews with Chicago residents in the mid-seventies. The audio is fairly poor throughout the video.