[Kenneth and Elise Boulding]
This tape is raw footage of an interview with academics Kenneth and Elise Boulding. The topics include: and brief recollections of Albert Einstein.
This tape is raw footage of an interview with academics Kenneth and Elise Boulding. The topics include: and brief recollections of Albert Einstein.
A documentary focusing on the demonstrations surrounding the 1996 Republican National Convention in San Diego, CA. Several segments covering demonstrations, both in support of and opposition to the Republican platform are covered with camcorders. Segments are separated by an intro from Pat Payne. Some demonstrations include: A Christian Coalition rally, a Union De Barrio (Hispanic rights group) rally, a biker rally in support of Bob Dole (1996 Republican Presidential Nominee), a Republicans for the Environment rally, a Republican for Choice march, and an anti-Pat Buchanan rally.
A compilation of various news broadcasts from the night of January 16, 1991, the night the U.S. launched “Operation Desert Storm” against Iraq. Footage includes President George H.W. Bush’s address to the nation. Also, each network has several correspondents reporting from various U.S. and Middle Eastern Locations, including Baghdad. Most of this footage, although repetitive, is quite compelling. There are, however, some moments of complete absurdity when the reporters have nothing new to report.
Self-described as an experiment in which a group of improvisational actors play different roles as a news crew covering the days news. Mixes real footage with improv acting.
Original version of Ant Farm’s classic video art piece examining and satirizing the media, particularly the impact of television. On July 4, Independence Day, 1975, what a TV newscaster described as a “media circus” assembles at San Francisco’s Cow Palace Stadium. A pyramid of television sets are stacked, doused with kerosene, and set ablaze. Then a modified 1959 Cadillac El Dorado Biarritz, piloted by two drivers who are guided only by a video monitor between their bucket seats, smashes through the pyramid destroying the TV sets.
Preceding the event are clips from various TV news broadcasts that covered it (many of the TV reporters make the comment that they “didn’t get it”). The tape includes interviews with invited guests, a speech given by Doug Hall as President John F. Kennedy explaining the message of Media Burn, the dramatic unveiling of the Phantom Dream Car, several sequences of the car smashing through the TV sets, and its triumphant return from the end of the Cow Palace parking lot.
Episode 109 of the award-winning TV series The 90’s. This episode is called “OFFBEAT TV,” and it features the following segments:
White House pool feed of Nixon before and during his resignation broadcast on August 8, 1974. This is not Nixon ‘s entire speech. The speech is cutoff after Nixon announces that Vice President Ford will replace him (about 4 minutes into speech). He appears jovial and carefree beforehand, giving no signs of the gravity of his announcement.
A documentary made at the 1976 Democratic National Convention in New York City, which was produced as a live 3-hour cablecast for five days during the convention. It was subsequently broadcast on WTTW and other PBS stations. It chronicles the events in and around the convention, and includes interviews with various delegates, politicians, members of the media, and people connected to Jimmy Carter, including Rosalynn Carter and Jeff Carter (Jimmy’s son). It also includes footage from the convention floor and demonstrators outside the convention, led by Ron Kovic.