Home » Posts tagged 'Michael Dukakis'

  • [Michael Dukakis – Ohio primary]

    [Michael Dukakis – Ohio primary]

    This news report covers the slowly increasing success of Michael Dukakis’ campaign to win the Democratic nomination in the 1988 presidential election. Dukakis is campaigning in Ohio in preparation for the state’s primary election.

  • [1988 Super Tuesday results]

    [1988 Super Tuesday results]

    These two news clips cover the results of Super Tuesday leading up to the Democratic nomination for the 1988 presidential election, including an interview with Michael Dukakis following his strong showing in the elections.

  • [Iowa reacts to Gary Hart dropping out of 1988 presidential race]

    [Iowa reacts to Gary Hart dropping out of 1988 presidential race]

    This news segment covers the aftermath of Gary Hart’s withdrawal from seeking the Democratic nomination for the 1988 presidential election. The intense media scrutiny which led to Hart’s withdrawal has unsettled some of the candidates and their supporters, who question the benefit of probing so closely into the candidates’ personal lives.

  • [Jesse Jackson post presidential campaign 1988]

    [Jesse Jackson post presidential campaign 1988]

    Reports between 6/5/1988 and 9/5/1988 on the impact of Rev. Jesse Jackson’s 1988 presidential campaign, the subsequent campaign to be selected as Michael Dukakis’s running mate, and Jackson’s speech at the Democratic National Convention in Atlanta.

  • [Presidential Election 1988, Bush/ Dukakis]

    [Presidential Election 1988, Bush/ Dukakis]

    News coverage of the 1988 Presidential Election between Michael Dukakis and George Bush. B-roll of Bush at Notre Dame and the Polish National Alliance in Chicago.

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