Home » Posts tagged 'natural disaster'

  • [Hurricane Rita evacuation]

    [Hurricane Rita evacuation]

    Two PBS Newshour segments concerning Hurricane Rita. The first covers the evacuation plans and their issues around Houston, TX. The second looks at the rebuilding of Bridge City, TX.

  • [Report: First trip home after Hurricane Katrina]

    [Report: First trip home after Hurricane Katrina]

    Two news hour segments concerning the effects of Hurricane Katrina. The first is a look at the experience of returning to the wreckage of Hurricane Katrina through the Chapoton family. The second illustrates the struggles faced by Baton Rouge, LA and its residents.

  • [Hurricane Katrina refugees]

    [Hurricane Katrina refugees]

    Brief news segment about the struggles of Hurricane Katrina refugees in Jefferson Parish. Highlights the lack of food and medical care.

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